Dev Journal #1: API create links

Let’s set up some backend API functions, but first we need a project we can code against. SST’s docs recommend starting with a clean NextJS app then add sst on top by running these scripts in the root folder:

npx create-next-app@latest

npx create-sst@latest
npm install

We’ll use SST to create a new DynamoDb table in stacks/Database.ts. Because we’re going to have two primary access patterns on the table immediately–GET by URL and GET by unique id–we’ll add one global index to handle the second access pattern:

export function Database({ stack }: StackContext) {
  const table = new Table(stack, "table", {
    fields: {
      pk: "string",
      sk: "string",
      gsi1pk: "string",
      gsi1sk: "string",
    primaryIndex: {
      partitionKey: "pk",
      sortKey: "sk",
    globalIndexes: {
      gsi1: {
        partitionKey: "gsi1pk",
        sortKey: "gsi1sk",

  return { table };

And we’ll similarly create an API in stacks/API.ts to create a link as POST /link backed by a lambda function:

function nameFor(shortName: string) {
  const nameGenerator = (props: FunctionNameProps): string => {
    return `${props.stack.stackName}-${shortName}`;
  return nameGenerator;

export function API({ stack }: StackContext) {
  const { table } = use(Database);

  const api = new Api(stack, "api", {
    defaults: {
      function: {
        bind: [table],
    routes: {
      "POST /link": {
        function: {
          functionName: nameFor("LinkCreate"),
          handler: "packages/functions/src/link/create.handler",
    ApiEndpoint: api.url,

  return { api };

Here, nameFor is my shorthand to create nicer function names. By default, SST will let CloudFormation auto-generate the function names, and they’re pretty unreadable. nameFor will pass a name generator into SST as it creates functions so that the function names are human readable.

Let’s also update sst.config.ts with the Database and API stacks:

export default {
  config(_input) {
    return {
      name: "cow-link",
      region: "us-east-1",
  stacks(app) {
} satisfies SSTConfig;

We’re following recommendations in SST’s documentation to use ElectroDB as our DynamoDB interface, so we add ulid, electrodb, and the AWS DynamoDB client to our dependencies in package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "ulid": "^2.3.0",
    "electrodb": "^2.5.1",
    "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb": "^3.332.0"

We’ll need to configure ElectroDB with the details about the DynamoDB table, so let’s add that in packages/core/src/dynamo.ts:

export const Client = new DynamoDBClient({});

export const Configuration: EntityConfiguration = {
  table: Table.table.tableName,
  client: Client,

And we’ll need a LinkEntity with a corresponding create function in packages/core/src/link.ts:

export const LinkEntity = new Entity(
    model: {
      entity: "links",
      version: "1",
      service: "cowlinks",
    attributes: {
      uid: {
        type: "string",
        required: true,
      shortPath: {
        type: "string",
        required: true,
      url: {
        type: "string",
        required: true,
    indexes: {
      byUid: {
        pk: {
          field: "pk",
          composite: [],
        sk: {
          field: "sk",
          composite: ["uid"],
      byShortPath: {
        index: "gsi1pk-gsi1sk-index",
        pk: {
          field: "gsi1pk",
          composite: ["shortPath"],
        sk: {
          field: "gsi1sk",
          composite: [],

export async function create(shortPath: string, url: string) {
  const result = await LinkEntity.create({
    uid: ulid(),


Last but certainly not least, we’ll write the code backing the lambda function to actually create links. To start, let’s create a hardcoded link to test under packages/functions/link/create.ts:

export const handler = ApiHandler(async (_evt) => {
  const newLink = await Link.create("test", "");

  return {
    body: {
      link: newLink,

You can view this code in the Add link create commit.