Dev Journal #4: API patch links and redirect

Today we’ll round out the first version of the API by:

ElectroDB lets us add createdAt and updatedAt timestamps very easily, thanks to the ability to set readOnly: true and/or a watch property to modify attributes when the entity is already being edited. We’ll lift straight from their example by editing the LinkEntity in packages/core/src/link.ts:

export const LinkEntity = new Entity(
    model: {
      entity: "links",
      version: "1",
      service: "cowlinks",
    attributes: {
      // ...
      createdAt: {
        type: "number",
        readOnly: true,
        set: () =>,
      updatedAt: {
        type: "number",
        readOnly: true,
        watch: "*",
        set: () =>,

Now, ElectroDB will automatically set createdAt whenever a new entity is created (and only the model can set this, not the user), and it will update updatedAt whenever any other property on the entity changes as well.

Earlier, we hardcoded each link that was created to redirect to Google. Let’s update packages/functions/src/link/create.ts to use the url and shortPath parameters from the POST body:

export const handler = ApiHandler(async (_evt) => {
  const { url, shortPath } = useJsonBody();
  const newLink = await Link.create(shortPath, url);

  return {
    body: JSON.stringify({
      link: newLink,

Here, useBody is an SST builtin from the api client.

Originally, I was going to use the verb PUT instead of PATCH to edit links; however, ElectroDB’s put makes you provide all required attributes, and I prefer to only pass in the properties I wish to change. (Or at least, I like having the option to only provide the changed values.)

So I went with patch instead, especially since it ensures you’re not creating a new link accidentally:

In DynamoDB, update operations by default will create an item if record being updated does not exist. Alternatively, the patch method will utilize the attribute_exists() parameter dynamically to ensure records are only “patched” and not created when updating items in your table.

Adding the patch and list API endpoints is pretty straightforward. We’ll update stacks/API.ts to add two new functions:

  const api = new Api(stack, "api", {
    // ...
    routes: {
      // ...
      "PATCH /link/{uid}": {
        function: {
          functionName: nameFor("LinkPatch"),
          handler: "packages/functions/src/link/patch.handler",
      "GET /links": {
        function: {
          functionName: nameFor("LinkList"),
          handler: "packages/functions/src/link/list.handler",

Expose methods in packages/core/src/link.ts to patch and list LinkEntitys:

export async function getByShortPath(shortPath: string) {
  const result = await LinkEntity.query.byShortPath({ shortPath }).go();

type PatchAttributes = UpdateEntityItem<typeof LinkEntity>;

export async function patch(uid: string, newAttributes: PatchAttributes) {
  const result = await LinkEntity.patch({ uid }).set(newAttributes).go({
    response: "all_new",
  console.log({ result });

export async function list() {
  const result = await LinkEntity.query.byUid({}).go();

We use response: "all_new" so that Dynamo returns the whole updated object in the response instead of an empty object. In a heavy-scale production system, I’d more strongly consider using the default response to use eventual consistency over strong consistency. However, I expect to save a lot more debugging pain by grabbing the entire object in the short term.

I found the UpdateEntityItem party trick from ElectroDB’s Typescript guide. It has a lot of nice helpers for the static types, although I had to hunt around for a while to find it, and it was unclear which type I should use for .patch() without some experimentation.

Write the patch handler at packages/functions/src/link/patch.ts:

export const handler = ApiHandler(async (_evt) => {
  const linkUid = usePathParam("uid");
  const newAttributes = useJsonBody();
  if (!linkUid) {
    return {
      statusCode: 400,
      body: "link uid is required",

  const foundLink = await Link.get(linkUid);
  console.log({ foundLink });
  if (!foundLink) {
    return {
      statusCode: 404,
      body: "not found",

  const updatedLink = await Link.patch(foundLink.uid, newAttributes);
  console.log({ updatedLink });

  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify({
      link: updatedLink,

And the list handler at packages/functions/src/link/list.ts:

export const handler = ApiHandler(async (_evt) => {
  const result = await Link.list();
  return {
    body: {
      links: result,

The Redirect Endpoint

Finally, the last and most important piece of the URL shortener: the redirect. I decided to use /s to designate shortened URLs (s for shorten), so API_URL/s/foo will look up a LinkEntity with a shortPath of foo and redirect to the entity’s url.

Let’s fix a bug in the LinkEntity under packages/core/src/link.ts so that we can find links by their shortPath:

export const LinkEntity = new Entity(
    // ...
    indexes: {
      // ...
      byShortPath: {
        index: "gsi1",

Then we’ll add a new route in stacks/API.ts:

"GET /s/{shortPath}": {
  function: {
    functionName: nameFor("Redirect"),
    handler: "packages/functions/src/redirect.handler",

And the corresponding handler in packages/functions/src/redirect.ts:

export const handler = ApiHandler(async (_evt) => {
  const shortPath = usePathParam("shortPath");

  if (!shortPath) {
    return {
      statusCode: 400,
      body: "shortPath is required",

  const foundLinks = await Link.getByShortPath(shortPath);
  console.log({ foundLinks });

  if (foundLinks.length === 0) {
    return {
      statusCode: 404,
      body: "not found",

  return {
    statusCode: 301,
    headers: {
      Location: foundLinks[0].url,

And there we go! A finished v0 API. You can view this code in this git compare.