How to Fix Liquid Syntax Errors in React Code Snippets

While publishing my series of dev diaries for my URL shortener project, I encountered some strange errors from Jekyll. Below is example code to create a table using MUI in React:

  return (
    <Table sx={{ minWidth: 650 }} aria-label="simple table">
          <TableCell>Short Path</TableCell>
        { => (
            sx={{ "&:last-child td, &:last-child th": { border: 0 } }}
            <TableCell component="th" scope="row">

When I save this codeblock to a markdown file, I get a strange syntax error from liquid out of nowhere:

Regenerating: 2 file(s) changed at 2023-06-05 19:31:13

Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error (line 70): Variable '{{ "&:last-child td, &:last-child th": { border: 0 }' was not properly terminated with regexp: /\}\}/ in /Users/nickymarino/Dropbox/Mac (3)/Documents/Developer/

Error: Liquid syntax error (line 70): Variable '{{ "&:last-child td, &:last-child th": { border: 0 }' was not properly terminated with regexp: /\}\}/

Error: Run jekyll build --trace for more information.

This was really strange to me. At first I couldn’t figure out what liquid even was–I had forgotten it’s a tool Jekyll uses to pre-process markdown files–and I wasn’t sure why liquid was looking inside the codeblock.

Thanks to chuckhoupt’s comment on the Jekyll help forum though, I learned I can wrap my code in a raw tag to prevent processing:

  {% raw %}

  Disable liquid parsing on this codeblock to prevent errors reading '{{'

  return (
    <Table sx={{ minWidth: 650 }} aria-label="simple table">
          <TableCell>Short Path</TableCell>
        { => (
            sx={{ "&:last-child td, &:last-child th": { border: 0 } }}
            <TableCell component="th" scope="row">

<!-- {% endraw %} -->

While writing this post, I also discovered this trick by Josh to wrap the double quotes in a variable:


The downside is that it leads to some strange looking code. For example, to escape the above raw and endraw tags, I used:

  {% raw %}


<!-- {% endraw %} -->

Outside of code snippets, you can use the HTML entities as well: { and }. And to write this post, I had to use this trick by Waylan to use more backticks to mark the start and end of a snippet:

<!-- ... -->

  return ( ... )

<!-- ... -->